Speech Pathologist

How Does Screen Time Take Away from Language Development Time?

Screen time is any time your child spends with moving pictures in front of their face (television, smart phones, tablets, etc.) Children learn to communicate through interactions with other people, so every minute that your child spends in front of a screen is one fewer that they could spend learning from your interactions or practicing their interactions with you.

Ok, so screens won’t help them, but what’s the harm?

There are studies that show that:

Screen time may not harm your child at all, but are you willing to take the risk?

You may want to set up screen time rules, e.g. limit the times they are allowed to use a screen or set what types of screens or shows they are allowed to watch. Start off by limiting your child’s screen time slightly, then, gradually increase limits until you have reached the desired amount. You should never go above 2 hours.

What can I do with my child instead?

Your child may resist the change at first, but keep in mind that you are doing them a huge favour by creating wonderful new experiences that will open minds, improve language development, and maybe even expose them to new interests that they never would have found.


Thanks to speechandlanguagekids.com for the information.

Indi Prior
Speech Pathologist